Templar Dane
Amarrian Retribution
Posted - 2010.09.28 21:37:00 -
I was reading the forums the other day and forgot I had undocked my coercer. A couple of guys from highsec had decided to come poke around in my low sec home system, and blew up my poor little destroyer... I added them as contacts and watch list, because they have a positive security status and that is an extremely rare thing...to have kill rights on someone that lives in highsec...
So, when he'd come online I'd pay the locator agent next door a visit and see where he was. He didn't seem to stay online for very long and not very often, but I kept doing it. He bounced around from place to place, but then he came online once and the locator agent said he was in a particular station. I checked eve agents and it seemed the station was home to a pretty nice looking level 4 agent...sweet. I had an alt head over there pronto, and I fit a dual-web dual-rep dual-heavy neut paladin and headed the arduous 15 jumps to that system.
My alt got there and he wasn't in local, checked the station and SCORE, locator agent. "Hey man, there's a guy I'm looking for and I think he's been doing some work for you." "Yeah, I just sent him over to hadanoo."
I had the alt burn for the system, and myself and a corpmate with a 6x remote sebo blackbird follow me to the system one jump short of hadanoo where I pitched a tent and waited.
My alt got there and there he was in local! Wondering what he was in, I had my alt bounce around the system spamming d-scan. Random mining cruisers, orca, navy apoc, paladin. Bounced around the belts, found everything except the navy apoc and the paladin. Apoc jumped to me, but wasn't him...that only left one ship, which I promptly probed out. Just as I got a 100% hit and was warping to him, he left system. Switched back to this character, and there he was in local. He decloaks in a paladin, attempting to warp to the next gate in his route back to his agent.
Point, dual web, dual neut, guns overloaded. Blackbird dies to his tachyons in one volley. Just before he hits structure, I type in local: "Nice trade for a coercer."
Remembering all his smack about how he killed my coercer, and my sexual orientation for camping he and his buddy in station with my devoter for a good long while....felt pretty good. He warped his pod away and rage logged. No smack, no hatemail, nothing. That left me a bit disappointed. Hopefully his partner in crime logs on in the next few weeks...
So, in answer to the OP's question...about as long as killrights last. 